The press-your-luck tabletop board game


Meet the Team

Natalie Booth Mechanics ideation, art direction and aesthetics

Marina Martin Mechanics and game board ideation, user experience

Victoria Maslova Rules and mechanics ideation, game board ideation, playtesting

Tyler Barlow Rules and mechanics ideation, prototyping, playtesting

Jerry Chuang Moodboard ideation, gameplay mechanics ideation

Project Intro

Wyld Fyre invites players to embark on a journey through yet another challenging wildfire season in BC. Players each take on the role of a large industry, playing as BC Hydro, Forestry, Agriculture, Touristry, or Mining, and must balance personal profit with acts of goodwill in order to contribute to communal survival. Players aim to be the first industry to try to make $3 million, while striving to lower their fire risk and preventing or paying for spontaneous fires that arise. How much damage will the players do to the Province and their fellow players in the quest for greater profit? Will the game end in a fiery blaze killing all players? These decisions are in the hands of the greedy industries.

Wyld Fyre Game Poster


📽️ Teaser trailer: